Develop a recession proof blog posting strategy for making money online!
Let’s face it! The suffering economy is making ebusiness more competitive too. You need some way to grab your customers’ attention that is original, informative and unique to you so you stand out from your competition!
Are you ready to find out what starting a blog or adding a blog can do to enhance your online marketing efforts?
Learn how to make big profits online by reading new eBook – Bigger Blogging Profits – These blogging strategies are tailored specifically to online marketers like yourself who may be feeling the effects of the economic downturn and want to ensure your continued success.
In Bigger Blogging Profits cover everything practical little thing that you need to know to get your log off the ground including –
- The difference between a weblog and an actual blog
- The HTML that you need to know to start your own blog
- How blogs practically substitute for marketing landing pages these days and how you can save a lot of money simply by recognizing this fact
- How to turn a solo free standing blog into a successful online business
- How to use programs like Word Tracker to optimize the SEO in your blog posts and also find new exciting concepts for blogs
- Why you should avoid blog software products that promise to automatically make you millions
- How to create a good “home” for your blog online
- Whether or not you should choose a remote or hosted blog host and the advantages and disadvantages of both
- Which type of blog people consider to be the most professional looking
- How to register a domain name for a hosted blog
- The name of the best cheap webhosting company available for blogs
- Why a host that offers C Panel hosting is the best for hosting blogs
- How to make your site user and search engine friendly
- A full details of how to deploy the THREE main ways of making money with a blog that you can put into action immediately
This eBook also contains an appendix of valuable plug-ins for your blog that can help maximize it’s money making potential!
Product Type: eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: May 7, 2023