Martial Arts

The Ultimate Karate Bible

Karate is probably the most effective method of unarmed defence and counter attack ever devised by man. The practitioner depends solely on the deadly efficacy of their trained and toughened bare hands, elbows, knees and feet. The…

Martial Arts an Introduction

Anytime an individual decides to learn how to protect themselves, learn self defense, or become a better person, one thing comes to mind – martial arts. Martial Arts are now being practiced all over the world. The…


Do you want to learn fighting without fighting? Won’t it be amazing if you could be trained in Aikido before you even realize that you started practicing for it? Of course you can! Save yourselves weeks and…

Self Defense 101

There is a simple system that will give you a great foundation on which you are able to build. Discovering how to escape from an attack is such a crucial aspect of self-defense, particularly during the early…

Self Defense for Women

Stay safe and kick butt using real-life self defense methods! No matter where you go or end up, you never know where there might be some element of danger lurking which is why it’s crucial to know…