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Content is King. It’s a common saying in the business world, but it’s true. With all the changes Google has made in the last few years, the quality and length of the content you post online is more important than ever.
Even if you don’t depend on Google for traffic, the next best source of traffic (actually, it’s probably even more important than Google for most people) is viral traffic, and people don’t share crappy content. If you want to get traffic from social media without paying for it, you must be posting great content.
But creating killer content takes a lot of time and effort. Or”¦ it can take a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, there are actually ways to reduce the time it takes to create great content.
There are even ways to cut out the need to write content altogether, although you can’t get away with having no written content on your site unless it’s already an authority site or is getting a lot of traffic from social media. Google really needs to see some written content on a site.
In this guide, you’re going to learn how to create content without having to write all day every day. You’ll learn about different types of post that lessen the need to write, and different types of media that Google and your visitors will enjoy.
Product Type: eBooks
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: August 29, 2021
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