Here’s an amazingly simple sneaky trick that can instantly turn casual website visitors into eager newsletter subscribers!
Are you looking for an effective way to persuade your website visitors to subscribe to your newsletter or mailing list? Are you getting disappointing results from offering a free eBook or tool? Here’s a novel solution that could turn it around for you.
Offer your visitors a coupon! Online coupons have been around for years now, simply because they work. After all, everyone loves a bargain!
A coupon is actually just a special code number. Visitors enter the code number into a box to get a discount when they order your product.
So how does an online coupon help you to build your list? It’s simple really. You put a simple signup form on your sales page telling people that if they enter their details into the form, you’ll send them your special discount coupon.
How are you going to automate this process? Inside this product is the technology that you need for your business.
Product Type: Software
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: June 1, 2021
File Size: 0.62MB