Never-before-seen debt relief method kills your credit card debt quickly and easily – and makes all previous so called debt elimination methods obsolete!
You can escape the choke-hold of debt and live out your dreams in less time than you think!
You’ll get straight to the point information with this meat-and-potatoes eBook, which delivers it with practical advice:
- Easy to read eBook in PDF format written in a conversational ‘how to’ style for simplicity and action
- How to completely eliminate credit card debt with your current income and how easy it is to operate 100% on cash, and never need credit again
- See how you’ve been misled and taken advantage of by “conventional” wisdom
- Why it may be a BAD idea to save money first BEFORE paying off your bills
- Why your credit rating won’t be important
- How to calculate exactly WHEN you’ll be completely be able to eliminate credit card debt
- FREE Powerful Rapid Debt Reducer Financial Software¢ to analyze your situation
- Convenient worksheets to get your debt reduction plan in action
- Examples and loan payment tables which will show you the enormous savings you can achieve on your mortgage and other installment loans
- How conventional financial advice may actually stop you from becoming debt free
- How you can achieve a better rate of return when you eliminate credit card debt than even the best money market account or CD
- How to enjoy phenomenal interest savings on your home loan and free yourself of debt years ahead of schedule
- Learn the insider debt elimination secrets without refinancing your current mortgage
- Do it yourself, without lawyers, loans, filing for bankruptcy or debt management companies
- And much, much more!
Product Type: eBooks
License: Resale Rights
Date Added: August 3, 2021
File Size: 0.8MB