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Many authors save the formatting for last. They write their book, then investigate the formatting requirements for any distributor or publisher. If you want to save yourself some energy and a whole lot of time and frustration, it’s easier to format your Kindle ebook in advance.
Why format first?
Assuming you’re using Microsoft Word to write your content, the formatting doesn’t translate perfectly to Kindle, which means that your book will not look like you want it to and it may be difficult to read. Not good, right?
Not to worry. We’ve included a basic template for you in this zip folder to help you or you can work from scratch if you prefer.
Forget the “normal” way you may be used to working “ formatting-as-you-go, when writing. For a Kindle-intended manuscript, set your format options up ahead of time and observe the tips in this guide.
Product Type: eBooks
License: Personal Use Rights
Date Added: October 29, 2021
File Size: 3.90MB