A book of the best stories that mothers can tell their children.
Composed of 45 stories from New Testament.
Stories include:
- The Wise Men’s Visit
- The Angel’s Tidings
- Jesus In The Temple
- The Wonderful Draught Of Fishes
- The House Built Upon The Sand
- Healing The Centurion’s Servant
- Anointing The Feet Of Jesus
- The Rich Fool
- The Unfruitful Tree
- Sowing The Seed
- The Enemy Sowing Tares
- The Parable Of The Leaven
- Seeking For Hidden Treasure
- The Pearl Of Great Price
- The Parable Of The Net
- The Man Possessed By The Devil
- Curing The Incurable
- Jarius Daughter
- The Two Blind Men
- Feeding Five Thousand
- Christ Walking On The Sea
- The Woman Of Canaan
- Peter And The Tribute Money
- The Good Samaritan
- Importunity Rewarded
- The Unmerciful Servant
- The Good Shepherd
- The Prodigal Son
- Christ Blessing The Children
Product Type: eBooks
License: Resale Rights
Date Added: September 18, 2021
File Size: 0.66MB