Tribal Butterflies

Ladies! Would you like to get your hands on over 100 rare and beautiful black and white tribal butterfly tattoos?

tribal butterflies ebook

That You Can Download, Print And Take Straight Away To Your Tattoo Artist?

Butterfly Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct ‘je ne sais quoi’ to a person’s character. The real beauty of butterfly tattoos is that they don’t have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish.

Butterfly tattoos, when done by a skilled artist can be a dynamic piece of art. They symbolize the female’s charisma, beauty and diversity and they are also highly symbolic creatures in many cultures, including our own.

Beginning in the east though, in Japan, one butterfly stands for young womanhood while two symbolize marital bliss. To the Aztecs of ancient Mexico however, the butterfly stood both for the souls of dead warriors who had fallen on the battlefield and the souls of women who had died in childbirth – the two most noble deaths of which an Aztec could conceive.

In Christianity it likewise stands for the soul which has escaped the confines of the flesh. In the west, as elsewhere, the symbolism of the butterfly centers upon its unique transformation. From one existence as the slow and crawling caterpillar, then to the dormant and captive chrysalis or cocoon, and finally the rebirth into a light and airy winged creature, the metamorphosis of the butterfly is one of its most powerful and uplifting meanings.

Accordingly, over time, the butterfly has also come to represent not only beauty itself but also the transitory nature of that beauty and indeed of all life. Does that sound like you? If so it’s worth looking through this eBook to find the perfect tattoo for you that suits your personality, characteristic and one that exemplifies your physical being!

Packed with over 100 printable designs, this eBook is not avaliable anywhere else! Make sure you grab your copy today and get a step closer to getting inked!

Product Type: eBooks
License: Master Resale Rights
Date Added: May 22, 2022


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